Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Hellz Yeah

Yo yo yo! I havent posted for a while so here it goes. I have been busy wit school and all that B.O.R.I.N.G stuff. now im free and my friend ana is here. anyways, a few days ago, on the way home from an excursion of some sort, i found a can on the sidewalk. i kicked it all the way home. it said Coke-A-Cola Win 10,000 dollars! i looked to see if i (actually, not me but the drinker of the soda) had won. unfortunatley, i hadn't won anything. o well. rite now, i REALLY like these things: yellowcard, a certain boy who's name i wont say, and Amy's frozen mac and cheese. yum-yum. anyways, g2g. thnx 4 reading! ;))
