Friday, November 12, 2004


at my bbfl's house, we did everything I listed, and more. We saw the Incredibles. It was AWESOME! and, i learned that it is IMpossible to do a split in jeans. My fave jeans now look like a pair of cowgirl chaps. g2g


Saturday, November 06, 2004


WooHOOO! I'm going to my bbfl's in an hour and your not so HAHA!! we are gonna have soo much fun. Her name is Emily Keenan and she is the BEST person in the world. I'll be there fo 5.5 hours about, but it will fly, i know it will. We always have so much fun laughing and talking and watching tv and going on the computer and using her P-Touch label maker. Whenever we make labels, I take mine home and put them on my clarinet case. we just have so much fun. Wealso eat LOTS of candy and play with her dog. It's so much fun. We also go outside when the weather's nice. Last summer we played with the hose, where we switched off spraying each other. And we were soaked o I ended up borrowing her clothes because it was a sleepover and so by the next day, my clothes were ready to wear. I mean, the fun we have is amazing. In school we have these things that we do. We take a sheet of paper write a long sentrnce using every letter in the alphabet, and then put it in a manilla envelope, adress it and slip it in eachothers lockers and it goes on and on and on and on and on. It's amazing how much we can talk. We have so much in common and at the same time we are opposites and we always have the best times together. We can talk on and on. We talk about every thing! Woe. I wrote A LOT about her. I g2g. L8rz. Lylas emmy-lee.